Who Do You Call For A Chimney Inspection In NH?
A chimney, fireplace, wood stove, or pellet stove are by nature, dangerous things to have in your home. Anytime you have an appliance that is creating a fire inside of a primarily combustible home, there will be a degree of danger. But, who do you call to find out just how much danger there is inside of your home due to your solid fuel burning appliance or fireplace?

Call a certified chimney sweep! A certified chimney sweep is trained in the inspection of wood stoves, fireplaces, pellet stoves, and chimneys. Even when you are buying a home, the national fire protection association recommends having the chimney inspected for potential safety defects during what is known as a level 2 chimney inspection. Level 2 chimney inspections are comprehensive inspections of an entire chimney system inspecting everything involving the chimney and appliances venting into the chimney that does not require demolition in order to do so. Level 2 chimney inspections are not completed by your home inspector. Level 2 chimney inspections are only performed properly by a certified chimney sweep.
Buying a home? Call Anything Chimney at 603-716-5977 to schedule a level 2 chimney inspection! Know the condition of your chimney BEFORE you buy your home!

Level 2 chimney inspections are not the only type of chimney inspection that exists, however. There are also level 1 chimney inspections, which are classified as annual chimney inspections. Level 1 chimney inspections are done in conjunction with any chimney cleaning by a certified and professional NH chimney sweep. Level 1 chimney inspections should be completed so long as nothing has drastically changed or is about to drastically change. An example of a drastic change would be a new owner of the home, (The home is being bought or sold or has recently been bought or sold.) there is a new appliance being installed into the chimney, a chimney fire has taken place, or a destructive weather related disaster such as a tornado or earthquake that has caused damage to the chimney would all be considered drastic changes and a level 1 chimney inspection would not be sufficient. In NH, these events all call for a level 2 chimney inspection.
Unsure whether you should have a level 1 or level 2 chimney inspection? Call the pros at Anything Chimney at 603-716-5977! We would be happy to walk you through the process.
There is one more type of chimney inspection that can be recommended by your certified chimney sweep in NH. This type of inspection is referred to as a level 3 chimney inspection. Level 3 chimney inspections are invasive and require the demolition or destruction of a part of the chimney or home in order to complete. We do not recommend requesting a level 3 chimney inspection. Level 3 chimney inspections, if they are needed, will be recommended by your certified chimney sweep if they see anything during a level 1 or level 2 chimney inspection that looks unsafe to the point where they would need to do demolition work in order to get to the bottom of it.
To sum it all up, call a certified chimney sweep to complete your chimney inspection! Having a fire in your home is dangerous enough. Hiring an unqualified individual to inspect your chimney only amplifies the level of danger that already exists inside of your home by having a fireplace or wood stove. Trust the professionals when it comes to fire inside of your home!
Book a NH chimney inspection with Anything Chimney online at www.anythingchimney.com