What is the Best Way To Clean A Chimney in NH?

While there are two popular methods of cleaning NH chimneys, one method is quickly becoming the preferred method by most of today's modern chimney sweeps. The method that is becoming more and more popular is referred to as "power sweeping." Power sweeping is the better method of sweeping NH chimneys for many reasons in our opinion. The first is that it is generally done from the bottom and is therefore keeping our technicians safer.
Has your chimney been cleaned this year? Call Anything Chimney at 603-716-5977 to schedule a cleaning!
The second reason that we believe in this newer method of power sweeping is because in our professional opinion, it tends to actually get the chimney cleaner than the older push broom method.
The process of power sweeping is actually relatively simple, and could be done by almost any homeowner. The real reason that we recommend calling in a professional chimney sweep is because a professional chimney sweep undergoes years of training and classes in order to be able to properly inspect a chimney and any appliance venting into a chimney for safety defects.
Are you sure that your chimney is safe? When is the last time that your chimney was thoroughly inspected? Chimney inspections are recommended annually by the National Fire Protection Association.
When it comes to power sweeping the process is as follows:
We begin by establishing a clean working environment. We lay tarps in front and around the fireplace or appliance in question. We then bring in our equipment which consists of a high powered vacuum equipped with a HEPA filtration system. The vacuum with the HEPA filtration system is designed to absorb very small particles. It is not used as a traditional vacuum would be to clean up the floor, it is used to absorb the small creosote particles directly out of the air as we clean the chimney.
Once we have our tarps and vacuum inside of the home and by the fireplace, wood stove, or pellet stove, we bring in our flexible chimney sweeping rods and polyurethane sweeping head. The specific rods that we use are only available to professionals, but there are many other styles of power sweeping rods available to homeowners as well. Our specific rods connect and disconnect easily and have just enough flex to make tough bends inside of a chimney flue without snapping.
We begin our cleaning process by inserting the flexible chimney rods inside of the chimney flue and pushing them up gently connecting more and more rods until we reach the top of the chimney flue. We are able to tell that we have reached the top when we feel the resistance of the cap on top of the chimney. If we do not notice a cap on top of the chimney we push up the rods until we can see that they have exited the flue.
Then we spin! We spin our rods until the chimney is clean! All while never having to step foot on the roof with all of our equipment. A much safer way to clean a chimney in our professional opinion. Of course, there are still some sweeps using the manual push broom method, but the majority of sweeps now use the power sweeping method. Making power sweeping, the best way to clean a chimney, because it is safer, and from our experience, it gets the chimney cleaner!
Want your chimney cleaned by a professional? Visit our homepage at www.anythingchimney.com and book a NH chimney sweep conveniently online!